Submitting your work

Find out how to submit your work to achieve your Farm Safe Schools Accreditation

Choose your option


Submissions are open once you have completed your module course work.  No submissions can be accepted after the deadline.

Online  submissions

  • Create a Farm Safe Schools page on your school’s website
  • Create a Farm Safe Schools Blog
  • Create a PowerPoint/Word Document on Google documents
  • Submit your digital work by filling in the online form below.

Post in submissions

  • Scrapbook
  • Photo Album
  • Project Folder
Post your hard copy submission to the address below:

Agri Aware, Attn: Farm Safe Schools, Irish Farm Centre, Bluebell, 
 Dublin 12, D12 YXW5

Please note: if you would like your hard copy work returned to you, please provide a paid, addressed envelope with your submission.

To assist in your accreditation process please ensure that each module is properly labelled and referenced. Do not forget to include pictures, descriptions and evidence of student work as part of your submission. 

We would hate to miss anything!